Comunicaciones XXXVII Congreso ASEPELT Elche 2024

Guidelines for submitting papers

First, an abstract must be submitted for acceptance of the paper or poster (Donwload abstract template)

Once the contribution to the congress has been accepted, there are four possibilities to participate or publish the contribution:

Option 1) ABSTRACT ONLY. In this option the participant does not want his/her work to be published in the congress. The participant will present his/her paper and the abstract will be published in the Conference Proceedings Book. The participant will communicate his/her work in the session corresponding to the Thematic Area chosen by him/her.

Option 2) FULL PAPER.  In this option, once the abstract has been accepted, the participant sends the full text of the paper in the template which, if approved, will be included in Anales de Economía Aplicada once the suggestions made by the reviewers have been taken into account. The participant will communicate his/her paper in the session corresponding to the Thematic Area chosen by him/her. You can obtain the template at this link: Download template. To be sent by e-mail to indicating in the subject "Full communication Anales".

. Option 3) ARTICLE: In this option the participant, once the abstract has been accepted, sends the full text of the paper for consideration in one of the journals considered at the Congress. (You can see the journals in this link: Publication Opportunities). If accepted, it will be included in the journal. In case of not being accepted in the journal, the participant will be offered to include the work in Anales de Economía Aplicada or not to publish it. The participant will communicate his/her work in the session corresponding to the Thematic Area chosen by him/her.

Option 4) POSTER. In this option, and once the work has been accepted, the participant must submit the poster in pdf format. It must be sent by e-mail to In the subject line write "Poster ASEPELT". All posters will be published on the congress website and will be presented in the Parallel Poster Session in digital format (it is not necessary to bring the printed poster to the congress). We recommend using the following template (poster template). You can send your poster until June 10th.

NOTE: Abstract submission requires previous registration in the conference (no need to pay; only registration). Registration is only for receiving the username and password for abstract submission.

Organizadores y patrocinadores