Programas XXXVII Congreso ASEPELT Elche 2024

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    XXXVII Asepelt International conference Asepelt

    Elche, june 19th to 21st, 2024

    The new challenges of economic policy: re-globalization vs de-globalization


    Note: Except for some activities, all the events will be held at La Galia building

        Wednesday, June 19th 2024    

    • 8.30-14.00 Registration

    • 9.30-11.30 PARALELL SESSIONS I

    • 11.30-12.00 image

    • 12.00-14.00  image SEMINAR I


    Mª Luz Congosto has a PhD in Telematics from the Carlos III University and a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from the UPM. She is currently an Honorary Professor of the Department of Telematics Engineering of the Carlos III University. Since 2008 she has been a social data researcher, preferably on Twitter. It uses network analysis and visualization to discover behavioral patterns, message propagation, and user characterization. From 1998 to 2008 he worked at Telefónica R&D on large innovation projects in the Telecommunications environment for the Telefónica operator. From 1980 to 1984 he belonged to the FUJITSU team that developed the basic software for TESIS-A.

    • 14.00-16.00  image

    • 16.00-18.00  image SEMINAR II


    Julia Silge is a data scientist and software engineer at Posit PBC (formerly RStudio) where she works on open source modeling and MLOps tools. She is an author, an international keynote speaker, and a real-world practitioner focusing on data analysis and machine learning. Julia loves text analysis, making beautiful charts, and communicating about technical topics with diverse audiences.

    • 18.00-18.30 image

    • 18.30-20.30 PARALELL SESSIONS II


        Thursday, June 20th 2024    

    • 8.30-9.30 Registration


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    Israel-Roberto Pérez Jiménez, Senator-Elect of the Kingdom of Spain, Vice-President of the Senate's Science, Innovation and Universities Committee


    José Ramón Calvo Fernández, Presidente del Instituto de Cooperación Internacional de la Real Academia Europea de Doctores

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    José-María Montero, President or the International Association of Applied Economics-ASEPELT

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    Carmen Victoria Escolano Asensi, President of the Organizing Committee

    • 10-11.30 OPENING SESSION


    Daria Taglioni is Research Manager, Trade and International Integration, Development Research Group. She joined the World Bank Group in 2011 as Senior Trade Economist in the International Trade Department of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network (PREM). Since then, she has held various positions and roles, including Team-Task Lead for the World Development Report 2020, Principal Economist in the International Finance Corporation, and World Bank’s Global Lead on Global Value Chains. Previously, she worked as Senior Economist at the European Central Bank (ECB) and as Economist at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). She has published in the American Economic Review, Journal of International Economics, and other scholarly journals. Her work has been featured in international media outlet such as the New York Times and Forbes. She authored various books on international trade. She is Italian and holds a PhD in International Economics from the Graduate Institute, Geneva.

    Introducer: Cecilia Kindelán, Executive Director of the ESIC Business & Marketing School

    • 11.30-12.00 Coffee break image

    • 12:00-13:00 Presentación del libro de Fundamentos de Ciencia de Datos con R

    image Se sortearán 2 libros

    Hello world!

    Click here: Prefacio | Fundamentos de ciencia de datos con R ( and enjoy for free 1,000 pages on data science with R


    Gema Fernández-Avilés is Full Professor of Applied Economics (Statistics) at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. Prof. Fernández-Avilés’s research lies broadly in economics and data science in the area of air pollution control and real estate prices forecasting, using spatial and spatio-temporal statistical methodology. Her doctoral thesis was awarded as the best doctoral thesis on Regional Economy in the Community of Madrid in 2010. She is the director of Master in Data Science and Business Analytics (with R software) and the president of R-Quixote Association. Currently, she has co-edited the book “Fundamental of data science with R.”

    José-María Montero is a full Professor of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, and director of the International Academic Board of Exponential Education (2020-) which includes, among other celebrities, three Nobel laureates in Economics. He is the president of ASEPELT, International Association of Applied Economics (2019-), the vice-president of the Supreme Executive Board (President: Nobel Laureate in Economics Edward C. Prescott.) of the Scientific Council of the International Association CESTIRA (2016- ), advisor to International Association of Sustainable Economics (IASE), assessor for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2014-), research fellow of the Athenian Policy Forum (York university, UK) and honorary lifetime member of the International Atlantic Economic Society (2014-), among other activities.

    • 12:00-14:00 PARALELL SESSIONS III

    • 14:00-15.30 image

    • 15.30-16.30 image LAWRENCE KLEIN SESSION  


    James Ming Chen is Justin Smith Morrill Chair in Law and Professor of Law at Michigan State University. Professor Chen holds a law degree from Harvard University and a master's degree in data science from Northwestern University. He is a member of the American Law Institute and a senior fellow of the Administrative Conference of the United States. Professor Chen's scholarship covers law, economics, and machine learning.

    Introducer: José-María Montero, President of ASEPELT.

    • 16:30-17:00 image

    • 16:30-19:00 FINN KYDLAND POSTERS SESSION - Room 2.4

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    • 17:00-19:00 PARALELL SESSIONS IV

    • 19.00-20.30 Social programme (visit emblematic places in Elche)

    • 21.00 Welcome cocktail at Hotel Milenium

        Friday, June 21st 2024    

    • 9.00-10.30 PARALELL SESSIONS V

    9.00-10.30 PANEL DE EDITORES (actividad incluida en el marco del Plan de Apoyo ASEPELT a Jóvenes Investigadores) 





    • 10.30-12.00 image WASSILY LEONTIEF SESSION


    Enrique Martínez García, a native of Novelda (Spain), is an economic policy advisor and the international economics group head at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Currently. He is also affiliated with the Dallas Fed's Globalization Institute and is the lead scholar for the International House Price Database (IHPD) and the Database of Global Economic Indicators (DGEI) at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas as well as co-director of the International Housing Observatory (IHO). Martínez García’s work has received public recognition over the years, including the distinction of winning the 2023 Central Banking Award in Economics.

    Martínez García has also taught classes at the University of Alicante, at Southern Methodist University, and at the University of Texas at Austin. Before joining the Dallas Fed in July 2007, Martínez García worked as a teaching and research assistant at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and its Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE). He also spent time at the Bank of England. Martínez García holds a PhD and an MSc in economics from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, an MA in economics from the University of Pennsylvania, and a BA in economics from the University of Alicante in Spain.

    Introducer: Carmen Victoria Escolano Asensi, University Miguel Hernández, Spain.

    • 12.00-12.30image

    • 12.30-14.00 ROUND TABLE - “El Papel de los Bancos Centrales en la Globalización”




    • 14.00-16.00 image

    • 16.00-17.30 PARALELL SESSIONS VI

    • 17.30-18.00image

    • 18.00-19.30 PARALELL SESSIONS VII

    Simposium Economía de Género


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    María del Carmen Valls Martínez, University of Almería, Spain

    Maria del Carmen Valls Martínez, Ph.D. in Economics and Business Administration, is an Associate Professor in the Economics and Business Department at the University of Almería, where she has achieved the Excellent Mention in the Docentia program. She coordinates the Interuniversity Master in Accounting and Corporate Finance. She leads the Ethics, Gender, and Sustainability Research Group linked to the Mediterranean Research Center in Economics and Sustainable Development. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Oeconomia Copernicana and editor of Plos One, Mathematics (Financial Mathematics section) and Frontiers in Public Health (Health Economics section).

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    Lorenzo Escot Mangas. Complutense University of Madrid, Spain

    Lorenzo Escot, PhD. in Economics is Full Professor in the Department of Applied, Public and Political Economics at the School of Statistical Studies - Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). He is Co-Director of the UCM research group (num 940051) “Data Analysis in Social Studies, Gender and Equality Policies” (, Director of the UCM Gender Equality Observatory and director of the course “Introduction to Data Science with Python for Economics and Finance” at the Escuela Complutense de Verano.
    Member of the PhD programme in Economics in the research area of Labour Economics and Employment Policies; and of the PhD programme in Data Science in the area of Data Analysis in Social Sciences. Research areas: Data Analysis in Applied Economics; Gender Economics; Labor Economics and Employment Policies; Economic Policy and Public Policy Impact Evaluation; Financial Risk Management and Scoring; Spatial Econometrics; and the Mathematics of Deterministic Chaos and its Applications to Economic Dynamics. ORCID: 0000-0002-6734-6327 (

    16.00-17.30 image Special Session ASEPELT  
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                                                                  Paola Profeta, Università Bocconi, Italy

                                              Exploring gender gaps in decision-making

    Paola Profeta (Department of Social and Political Sciences. University of Bocconi, Italy) is Dean for Diversity, Inclusion and Sustainability and full professor of public economics. She is also the Director of the AXA Research Lab on Gender Equality
    She is member of the board of management of the International Institute of Public Finance and of the Women in Economics Committee of the European Economic Association. Prof. Profeta is also affiliated with CHILD (Collegio Carlo Alberto) and CESifo and is scientific advisor of UniCredit Foundation and takes part of the editorial board of International Tax and Public Finance, European Journal of Political Economy, CESifo Economic Studies, Economics. She served as the President of the European Public Choice Society and was member of the Board of the Italian Society of Public Economics. She collaborates with the Italian Minister of Equal Opportunities in several committees and is the Italian representative at the Expert forum of EIGE.
    She has spent research periods, among the others, at Columbia University of New York, Nuffield College-Oxford, Trinity College-Dublin, CESifo-Munich, University of Edinburgh and USI-Lugano. Prof. Profeta has coordinated research projects financed by international organizations, private foundations, universities and research centers. She organizes several international conferences on the topic of gender equality and female leadership. On the same topic, she is active in the national and international debate. She collaborates with the Italian Department of Equal Opportunities, with the European Institute of Gender Equality and with numerous associations and institutions engaged in the promotion of gender equality and female leadership. She regularly writes editorials in Il Sole 24 Ore and collaborates with Corriere della Sera- La 27esima Ora and Repubblica


    18.00-19.00 ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION: The Economic Gender Gaps Agenda

    This workshop will discuss the main gender gaps, their causes and potential solutions from the perspective of applied economics. We will have the participation of experts in different aspects of gender economics such as gender pay gaps, horizontal and vertical segregation, co-responsibility in the care of children and other dependents or the determinants of the choice of the type of studies as determinants of the low participation of women in STEM professions:



    • 21.00 GALA DINNER AND AWARDS CEREMONY - Restaurante Els Capellans del Hotel El Huerto del Cura


    Organizadores y patrocinadores